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Jumat, 26 November 2010

Koi Food For The Different Seasons By RC Moore

There has been a lot of discussion about koi food - how much to feed, how often to feed and what type to feed. A lot of time and energy is spent creating an artificial environment for Japanese koi. Some may try to create a natural environment in a koi watergarden with plants and even a gravel bottom. The koi watergarden uses both mechanical and biological filtration as well as plants to keep the water quality high. A koi only pond relies totally on mechanical and biological filtration to keep the water quality high. So what does koi food have to do with water quality? Why feed an easy to digest food in cooler water temperatures and high protein in the summer months? Why is it best not to feed koi when the water temperature is below 50°F? To answer these questions we have to consider the natural environment of koi and where they originated.

Japanese Koi Natural Environment
Koi are basically colored carp that originated from mutated carp in the Niigata prefecture in Japan. This is a mountainous region that receives substantial snow fall in the winter months. In Niigata the carp were originally raised in earthen ponds as a food source until mutated colors were discovered in the early 1800s. Selective breeding has given way to the colorful varieties we have today. Koi are omnivorous, meaning that they eat vegetable and meat matter in the form of aquatic plants, algae, crustaceans, worms, larvae and silt. The protein content in their natural environment is much higher than the koi foods that we provide today. The whiskers on koi, like catfish, are like taste buds that help them forage for foods on the bottom. Since koi do not have stomachs, whatever they eat is not stored but instead digested for the purpose of growth, color and energy. Whatever is not utilized is excreted as waste. Japanese koi are cold blooded and their metabolism is dependant on the water temperature. This metabolism peaks at just over 70°F when most of their growth takes place. At this time most of the proteins are utilized for growth and there is little waste excreted. When the water temperature falls below 70°F they are not using the proteins for growth and there is more waste excreted in the form of ammonia. This matters little in their natural environment where population densities are much less than in a modern koi pond or koi watergarden.

The Metabolism of a Koi Pond or Koi Watergarden

Just as the metabolism of koi is dependant on water temperature, so is the metabolism of the koi pond or koi watergarden. They both tend to peak and go into a dormant state at the same time. In the winter months every thing seems to come to a stand still including biological activity. It is the biological activity of denitrifying bacteria that keeps the water quality high. Plants that would utilize and remove waste are also at a dormant state. Even though the mechanical filtration is doing its job of removing debris before it has a chance to break down, there is little if anything to deal with ammonia or nitrates that can build up. This is especially true in the transition months in the spring and fall. In the fall season plants are dying back and leaves are blowing into the pond as mechanical filters struggle to keep up. Feeding a high protein food at this time could very easily cause water quality that was in balance to degrade to an ammonia soup in a very short time. Likewise in the spring when the water temperature is below 70°F feeding a high protein diet would wreak havoc on water quality. Leaves and other debris that were not caught by mechanical filtration are starting to break down as the water temperature warms. Denitrifying bacteria lags behind in the metabolism peak which is why there is often an algae outbreak in the spring that tends to go away when water temperatures go up to over 70°F.

Different Koi Food For Different Seasons

High quality koi foods that are available today are formulated to the needs of koi in an artificial environment. In a totally natural koi pond we would not have to feed our koi at all. However, in this environment the waters would be turbid and enjoying the beauty of the koi greatly diminished. Having crystal clear water allows us to enjoy and interact with the beauty of these fish. It is imperative to feed a high quality koi food that is correct for the season and water temperature. A high quality all season koi food should be high in vegetable matter, lower in protein and easy to digest. It should also include vital nutrients and minerals that koi need for color and health. This will create less waste to foul the water in the cooler months. The best koi foods meeting this criteria are Dainichi All-Season and Saki-Hikari Multiseason. A high quality summer food should contain at least 40% protein to provide for high growth. It should also have nutrients and minerals for good color and health. The best koi foods in this category are Dainichi Growth and Saki-Hikari Growth. The recommendations are as follows. Never feed koi when the water temperature is below 50°F. From 50°F - 60°F feed an all season koi food 2-3 times a week. From 60°F - 70°F feed an all season food 1 - 2 times a day. From 70°F - 85°F feed a summer koi food 3 - 5 times a day. Slow the feeding when water temperature rises above 85°F to 1 - 2 times per day. Koi tend to lose their appetite when the water gets this warm. During the fall, when the water temperature starts to fall and the daylight hours are less, koi stop growing. This is also the time when their colors become richer. Many koi keepers at this time supplement the koi diet with a color intensifier. Koi naturally put on color at this time and it is important to provide a koi food with sufficient nutrients to help this process. The main ingredients in koi food for color enhancement is spirulina algae and krill. Dainichi Premium has color enhancers along with proteins for high growth. The Dainichi color Intensifier is loaded with krill and spirulina. Saki-Hikari Color Enhancer is loaded with Spirulina. Both Dainichi and Hikari koi foods have many years of research and development built into their koi food formulas. They also have a proven track record of creating champion koi. Feeding a high quality koi food may seem a little pricey, but the benefits far out weigh the cost, resulting in better growth and color with fewer outbreaks of disease and mortalities.

For more information visit

RC Moore Owner of

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Tips About White Koi By Max Lara Platinum Quality Author

The koi is a carp that has been bred for many years for color. Its breeding can be traced to Japan during the 1800s. Only two colors were bred. During the early 1900s, koi was bred with more color varieties which have increased up to today. This makes it one of the most beautiful fish on earth. There are many color variations in koi. These include, white, black, red, yellow, blue, gray and green. The most popular among the koi varieties is the white koi.

The popularity of the white koi can be attributed to its easy visibility even in murky water. Also, the fish is quite attractive due to its reflective body. Types of white koi include the kohaku, sanke, ogon and bekko.

The kohaku and sanke can perhaps be termed as the only white koi. This is because they have color markings on a white background. The ogon and bekko are not totally white koi as there are members of these varieties which have other colors.

The kohaku has red markings on a white background. These red markings cover between 50% and 70% of the body. Sanke on the other hand has red and black markings on a white background.

The ogon koi has only one color. The colors range from metallic silver to yellow. Bekko koi can be white, red or yellow with ebony black spots scattered all over its body. Therefore only those members of these types of koi with white coloration can be called white koi.

This koi fish has standards set to determine if it is a kohaku or sanke. Some of the things that these standards outline are as follows:

• The markings on the body of the fish have to be a particular color. For the kohaku it has to be red and for the sanke, the color has to be red and black.
• The red color markings for the kohaku have to cover between 50% and 70% of the body. The remainder should be white only.
• The color markings should be symmetrical. That is, when observed, the amount of color on one side of the dorsal line should be equal to the amount of color on the other side. This applies for the colors when viewed individually or together.
• The colors should be deep in hue. Light colors indicate defects and poor health.
• The edges where the colors meet the white should be clear. This is for attractiveness as well as purity of the breed.
• The body should be covered in scales.

Any koi that is bred and found to be lacking in these standards is considered defective and not a pure white koi. However, very few koi breeders know about distinguishing pure white koi and defective white koi. This has resulted in the breeding of many defective light koi.

Because of their popularity, this kind of koi can be quite expensive to purchase. They make excellent pets and a good earner for fish farmers.

Want to discover more about white koi?

Go here to download your FREE course that reveals how you can take care of your koi fish at

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Max Lara - EzineArticles Expert Author

The 15 Types of Koi By Max Lara Platinum Quality Author

Koi is an ornamental carp that is quite attractive. They come in many different color patterns. The first koi were first koi were bred for color in the 1800s in Japan, since then different color variations have come up. There are many different types of koi. The following are 15 of the most common.

1. The kohaku which is red on a white background. The red should be a uniform shade with well defined edges where it meets the white. In addition it should be well balanced and cover between 50% and 70% of the body.

2. Sanke is a white koi which has red and black markings. The hue of the markings should be deep with well defined edges. Also, they should be balanced when observed together or individually.

3. The showa is also white, red and black in color. The black and red are dominant and should be deep.

4. The asagi is gray or blue on the back and red or orange on the underside. The scales should be darker blue or gray at the center and become lighter or white at the edges. The red or orange should also extend to the pectoral fins' base.

5. The ogon has only one color. This should be even without any markings.

6. The chagoi has a color that varies from light tan to a dark green. The edges of their scales are black.

7. Tancho koi has a red mark on its head. It is a variety of the other types.

8. The utsurimomo koi is black with white, yellow or red markings on the body. The black on the head should extend to its nose.

9. The bekko koi is white, red or yellow with ebony black spots scattered all over its body. The edges of the black markings should be well defined.

10. The shusui koi has a blue or gray marking along its dorsal line and red or orange extending from the underside to the lateral line. The blue or gray scales should be evenly aligned along the dorsal line. The shusui is also partially scaled.

11. Doitsu koi are either partially scaled or not scaled. The partially scaled doitsu have large scales along their dorsal and lateral lines.

12. Koromo are kohaku with red markings. What makes them different from the kohaku is an indigo along the edges of the scales on the red markings.

13. The goshiki koi is white, red, black, blue and dark blue in color. This often gives them a purplish appearance.

14. The ochiba shigure is green or gray with a filigree reticulation of brown.

15. Midori goi koi is yellow green in color and is either partially scaled or non-scaled.

Koi types are distinguished through their color and escalation. However, there are certain standards a fish has to meet for it to be termed a true koi. The main consideration is the balance in color and for the mixed color types, the definition of the edges where the colors meet.

For more information on the koi types, visit our website at

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Max Lara - EzineArticles Expert Author

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Koi Types and Varieties By Kate Nakamura

Is it any wonder that more and more people world wide are finding themselves drawn into the aquatic realm of the Koi?

Following the historical growth in popularity in the early 20th century, from its humble origins as a humble food source in China to a captivating object of beauty in Japan, the Koi has established a special place in the hearts of many due to its ever-increasing range of color, pattern and scalation.

These days, what was once a fish with limited variety, has become a prized possession, due to an explosion in the flourishing breeding and cross-breeding programs world wide. These breeding programs have produced some of the most stunning and spectacular Koi specimens ever seen.

When the magical Koi first grabs your interest, you ought to gain a basic understanding of the Japanese Koi Jargon to appreciate the 13 classes of Koi that have been established over the years. Each of these classes (and their sub-classes) use Japanese nomenclature to define the traits of Koi.

In the simplest of terms, there are three main traits, primarily color & color pattern, brilliance and scale type. The long-term appeal of koi is that each one is unique - no two are the same. There can be brightly colored koi and koi with subtle, soft tones. You'll find koi covered from top to bottom with scales and others that are scale-less. There are koi that are metallic, or sparkling, or matte, and Koi that are mono-colored or multi-coloured.

For the amateur, the most important points to understand are:
Color and Color Pattern - in the early days there were just one or two colors available. With the passing of time and extensive breeding, there are now a myriad of colors to select from, and whilst the colors available generally include shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, white, cream, black and grey, there are the added choices of color patterning and combination. For instance, the solid foundation color might have one or more different colored markings. These markings may be spread over most of the body or develop on one part of the body only. On the other hand, the fish might be one solid color with no markings at all. The choices are astounding!

Non-Metallic Koi - are grouped based on their foundation color. These groups are then further broken down based on their accent colors and special features. Each color, marking type and feature has a Japanese name. Thus each koi variety name can be composed of multiple parts to specify each of these characteristics.

Metallic Koi - are grouped depending on the reflective nature of their scales. Metallic Koi are also identified as Hikari Koi from the Japanese word "Hikari" indicating "Shiny". These Koi are further divided into three groups being the Hikari Muji (mono-colored and shiny), the Hikari Utsuri (tri-colored and shiny) and the Hikari Moyo (shiny with platinum and either red or yellow).

Scale Types
Doitsu refers to either the leather-skinned or scaleless Koi, or to the mirror-scaled Koi which has noticeably large scales down each side. Doitsu can appear on both Metallic and Non-Metallic Koi but are quite rare. "Doitsu" comes from the Japanese word for "German" after the German Carp.

KinGinRin refers to those koi with extremely reflective scales. These reflective scales are very popular and have been bred into many of the varieties of Koi. Position of these scales can further divide the Koi into the KinRin (Gold) where the scales are over a red base color, or the GinRin (Silver) where the scales are on top of a black or white foundation color.

Koi Classes
Within the Metallic Koi Category there are 9 main classes and within the Non-Metallic, there are only 3. However, within each class there are frequently numerous sub-classes.

Non-Metallic Koi Classes include:

Asagi - blue back with a red belly / the blue scales of the back have white edges that produce a net appearance / the cheeks and pectoral fins are red and the head is light blue to white

Bekko - opposite to the Utsuri, the Bekko has a solid foundation color of red, white or yellow with black markings (sumi). The head of a Bekko should always be clean with no sumi markings.

Kawarimono - this class consists of all the varieties that are not able to be categorised into any of the standard koi types

Kohaku - the most popular of the koi varieties, is a two color, non-metallic koi with a white base color topped by red (hi) markings spaced uniformly over the body but not beyond the lateral line and not on the fin or tail

Koromo - literally means "robed" or "clothed". The Koromo is a cross-bred koi from Asagi and the Kohaku. It has a pure white foundation with the scale reticulation of the Asagi only noticeable in the red patterned areas

Sanke - a white base skin color with red (hi) and black (sumi) patterns scattered evenly over the body.

Showa - black base skin color with red and white markings. The earliest Showa had more black and red than white, however, more recently, the amounts of white have increased, making them more tricky to differentiate from Sanke's. Unlike the Sanke, the Showa must always have a black pattern on its head.

Tancho - named after the Tancho crane bearing a single red spot atop its head, the Tancho class of koi is made up of the Kohaku, Sanke and Showa varieties, which likewise sport a well-placed red spot (hi) on the head.

Metallic Koi Classes include:

Hikari Muji - these are Koi of one solid, metallic color. There are two sub-groups being the Matsuba, in the color of gold, silver, grey or orange and with a pine cone pattern. The other sub-group is the Ogon, yet again a solid, metallic color in either gold, silver (platinum), orange, or red and white, but without the pine cone pattern. The red and white Ogon is basically a Metallic form of the Kohaku.

Hikari Utsuri - metallic version of the Utsuri or Showa - that is, metallic red, black and white.

Hikari Moyo - multi-colored, platinum Koi with either red or yellow.

Are you looking for a realistic, user-friendly way to Create & Maintain a Stunning Koi Pond for Koi Fish Varieties to Suit your Budget, Time and Spaces? Get more tips and advice here today. While you are there, you can sign up for the Free Email Course on Complete Koi Fish Pond Construction Tips and Koi Maintenance.

This free step-by-step mini-course is designed to teach you all of the essentials on purchasing, identifying, keeping and breeding Koi fish, as well as planning, building and maintaining your Koi pond.

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Koi Fish Data By Robert Cartledge Platinum Quality Author

Koi are the domestic variety of the frequent carp. The word "Koi" comes from the Japanese phrase meaning "carp". The Japanese began breeding Koi for the primary time from the 1820's. Right this moment, because of their popularity, Koi are available in a big number of patterns and colors like black, orange, yellow, silver, green and blue.

Outdoor Koi ponds can be relaxing because the sound of the rippling water flows through the yard. They're even more entrancing and interesting to take a look at when Koi pond house owners are in a position to efficiently mix residing plants inside their Koi ponds to be able to replicate a natural pond environment. Sadly, typically Koi and crops do not co-exist properly together. Koi can generally give their homeowners a hard time in terms of potted plants inside the pond. Some homeowners try to place potted crops throughout the pond that are supposed to sit on the pond floor. Bigger Koi might be able to knock the plant over which is able to lead to a messy pond and might create real problems for the owner. Koi may also have the tendency of "digging" up the soil.

But, that does not imply you can not have any crops in your pond at all. There are a number of solutions to fight these problems. You'll be able to wrap netting over the tops of the pots to keep the Koi from digging in them. You can even place pea gravel on high of the plants. Bigger pots can face up to the burden of river stones. With the stones on prime of the pots, the Koi fish can have a tougher time knocking them over resulting from their weight and they will be unable to get to the grime underneath the stones to be able to dig it up. Lilies are a beautiful selection to position within your Koi pond. They come in several totally different varieties contains ones that grow effectively in shallow water and ones that grow better in deeper water. Although they aren't oxygenating crops, they may be capable to present your Koi with shelter and shade. Plus, having plants in the water will attract insects. Koi fish are omnivores and can search the vegetation foliage to hunt out insects and larva to munch on.

In addition to the insects that get your hands on from crops, Koi fish enjoy many other kinds of food. It is not unusual for Koi fish owners to mention that they efficiently skilled their fish to eat out of their hands. Koi fish have the power to be able to acknowledge the one that feeds them and can method that individual throughout feeding time. In addition to pre-made Koi food, Koi fish enjoy a wide range of people meals like peas, lettuce and even watermelons. Having Koi grace the waters of an outdoor pond is really an enjoyable and unique experience. They space ready to add a large amount of enjoyment to their house owners lives and in turn are rewarded by the generosity and good care of their owners.

Robert Cartledge is a koi fish expert. For more great information on koi fish, visit

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Robert Cartledge - EzineArticles Expert Author

Buying Koi - Six Questions To Ask By Marshall Crum Platinum Quality Author

Koi fish ponds have become one of the most popular features for home-owners today. Japanese koi fish are colorful, vibrant and make great pets. But there is a little more necessary to take care of koi than just buying a tank and getting some fish. It takes more to create a habitat than most people are aware of. You can't simply dig a hole and fill up a pond with your garden hose and just toss the fish in. When you select your fish, you should not buy just any old fish from a pet store.

If you take care and start your habitat correctly then all your future work will be cut in half. It is absolutely necessary to wait until your water is ready for fish before you go and buy them. What this means is that the pond construction must be done and the water must be the right temperature and conditioned before you put the koi into the pond. Check your water's temperature and chemical levels and make sure that the habitat is suitable before you put new fish in the water.

When the pond water conditions are right and you head out the door to buy your koi, it is a good idea to avoid the pet stores and focus on cultivated farm-raised koi to beautify your pond. Good quality fish from a dealer or breeder will cost more than you will pay in a pet store, but the extra quality is worth it.

Buying koi can put strain on even the most experienced of koi owners. If you're new to this buying ritual, it can be a downright nerve-racking experience filled with uncertainty. It is important to consider everything from the conditions of the tanks the breeder keeps the fish in to the health of the individual fish.

That's why a checklist is important to keep your mind focused on getting good quality healthy fish with vibrant colors. There are five distinct things to look for to determine the health and quality of the koi you buy. Keep these six questions in mind the next time your buy fish:

1. Are the display tanks clean?
2. Are the display tanks bio-filtered to maintain water quality?
3. Does each tank have its own filter?
4. Does this dealer quarantine new fish?
5. How long are new fish quarantined?
6. Can you obtain background information on the koi you want to buy?

Getting this information is important. Koi with good backgrounds (pedigrees if you will) cost more, sometimes lots more, than your average pet store koi. Sometimes you may find a dealer who swears that he's selling you "Japanese koi", and use that to justify a higher price. But unless you can get and confirm the background information on that fish, don't believe it.

Of course, if it really is a special fish and you have the money, then by all means consider purchasing it. These fish, to be blunt about it, are usually of a higher quality. It is your money, so buy the best quality koi fish you can and get the most for it.

Buying and raising good quality healthy fish with vibrant colors is an important part of owning a koi pond or aquarium that you can be proud of. Visit my website to get more information about raising healthy koi and a copy of the best guide to keeping koi fish that I have found.

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Marshall Crum - EzineArticles Expert Author

Jumat, 12 November 2010

The Celestial Colors Of Koi By Travis K. Taylor Platinum Quality Author

The bright and wonderful colors of the Koi fish are the main reason why the fish still enjoys its much vaunted popularity among the Japanese. The ability to pick and breed the best Koi and create the exciting Koi color combinations is something the Japanese take so much pride in, and it ensures that the trend will go on for sometime.

Looking for this fish need not be a daunting exercise, though it may seem so for a first timer. A healthy Koi fish has to have bright clear colors. It could be any color, but the color has to be vivid and sharp, for example, if it is a red Koi, the red has to be bright and vivid, while a black one must be a dark hue and striking.

A Koi with a dull black color, with scales or with markings or spots, is a sign of an unhealthy fish or a fish kept in filthy conditions.

Bright colors denote a well kept Koi and so a white Koi with tinges of yellow, or any color variations, would indicate it is unwell or that it has been kept under poor conditions. Therefore, when purchasing Koi, it is imperative to know that color is a sign of the health of the fish. This aids you in getting a well kept Koi.

This fish always requires good care and attention, and so, it is essential to keep track of its color changes as this will show you whether you are giving it enough care or not.

As we have seen, the Koi fish comes in a variety of very attractive colors with the most fashionable being red, black, white, off-white, blue and yellow. Both the Japanese Koi enthusiasts and breeders of this unique fish, have come up with phrases and terms that accurately describe the colors and features of the Koi and also distinguish the various types.

The most admired variety, the Gosanke, contains the Showa Sanshoki, Taisho Sanshoki, and Kohaku species of Koi.

The Showa Sanshoki Koi, also known as just Showa, is black colored with smudges of black and red. The Taisho Sanshoki Koi, simply known as the Taisho Sanke or Sanke, is white colored with vivid red and black smudges.

The Kohaku Koi is a snowy white fish with bright red marks that have distinct edges.

These red marks are supposed to cover about 60% of the Kohaku Koi's body.

There exists a wide array of Koi, and each has its own distinguished color pattern.

For example, the Ogon Koi, this type of Koi exists in a variety of colors but basically is made up of one colour. Before I confuse you even further, the Ogon Koi have different colors but do not have markings of a different color, hence the one color hue.

Then there is the Komonryu Koi, this Koi is even more magnificent, in that it changes its color with the change in season.

If your Koi exhibits a dull color as a sign of ill health, do not worry, just supply them with a marigold, plankton, shrimp, and blue-green algae rich diet. These ingredients aid in improving Koi colors and can also be added to commercially manufactured Koi foods.

Feeding your Koi with foods rich in carotenoid, such as daphnia and brine shrimp, helps improve pigmentation in Koi.

Travis Taylor is a Koi fish keeper and breeding enthusiast, and enjoys helping others get started in this amazing hobby by sharing information about the different Koi Colors

His newest book,"Koi Care Secrets," teaches Koi Fish owners everything they need to know about and caring for their pets.

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White Koi in Your Fishpond By Robert Cartledge Platinum Quality Author

The Japanese began breeding koi from carp mutations; they solely got here in one or two colours. As the popularity of koi grew and more and more people began breeding them through the years, koi started to come in larger coloration varieties and mixtures of patterns. Right now koi fish may be seen in many alternative colours including crimson, black, inexperienced, yellow and white.

With the ability to recognize the completely different sorts of koi carp is easier when you have an understanding of the varied classifications that koi are grouped into. Every variety has sure requirements but pattern diversity is suitable in most varieties. There are a few very talked-about koi varieties. One popular selection is Kahaku koi. These are white koi with crimson markings. Another widespread koi carp selection is the Hirarimono or Ogon variety.

The first part of the phrase "Hikari" means metallic. The second a part of the word "Mono" means single colour. These koi are all one colour. Ogon koi are also very metallic in appearance. They're most commonly available and seen in yellow often called Yamabuki Ogon and within the colour white or silver which are generally known as Platinum Ogon. Regardless of the color or the range, the coloration of Ogon koi should be the identical hue from their heads to their tails and right down to the guidelines of the fins. Giant fins are desirable on the Ogon koi fish as a result of they offset the plain body.

White koi or Platinum Ogon is very unique and widespread fish on the earth of koi. Their bodies appear to shine with the same luster as treasured metal. These distinctive and lovely koi fish first appeared again in 1963, most likely from crossing Kigoi with the greyish-silver Nezu (quick for the Japanese phrase for rat, nezumi) Ogon. These kinds of koi fish are very hardy and grow rapidly. They're also common in poorly filtered ponds as a result of they stand out within the murky water. Other Ogon koi embody the Nezu, Orenji and the Fuji koi.

Most Platinum Ogon koi are bred with the Ginrin scales to make them appear even shinier. Ginrin scales are very totally different from these which can be seen on metallic koi. As a substitute of a total gleam caused by the reflective pigment of the scales, Ginrin scales have a reflective sheen over all or part of their floor making a glimmering effect that may be very similar to minimize diamonds. To qualify as Ginrin, the koi fish ought to have extra of these scales than it's possible to count because it swims previous the observer. About 20 scales is the accepted minimum.

One factor that really attracts pond house owners to fill their ponds with koi carp is the massive number of colours that koi fish come in. When viewed from the top, koi fish are in a position to present their greatest colour. Nearly all of the fish's pigments are on the highest facet of the fish. When koi fish are shown in events in Asia, they're always shown in round swimming pools and are always considered from the top.

Robert Cartledge is a koi fish expert. For more great tips on white-koi, visit

Article Source:

Robert Cartledge - EzineArticles Expert Author

Rabu, 10 November 2010

kinds of koi

Among the most popular pets nowadays are fishes. But, they are not just the ordinary fishes you see in the market; they are colorful ornamental fishes that adorn most of today’s landscaped-garden ponds and aquariums. And one of the most popular choices of fish pets is Koi fish. This fish has exceptional beauty that many fish-lovers loved; not to mention, it is considered as lucky fish.

Basically, Koi fish is being considered as part of the carp family of domesticated and ornamental variations. It is widely available and domesticated in Japan as well as other country but has originated in China. And because of the Koi fish’s resemblance to goldfish, some people consider it as one but they are not. The resemblance is just because of the breeders’ effort to imitate goldfish.

Probably, you’ll also be interested in having Koi fish as your pets. It should be no problem since many fish pet stores are selling them. However, there are several Koi fish information and facts that you should know in order to have successful and enjoyable Koi petting.

The Different Varieties of Koi Fish

If you want to have Koi fish in your aquariums or ponds, the first thing you should know is the varieties of Koi fish available. This is important because you have to make sure that the breed or variety of Koi fish that you’re getting will suit the environment at your homes or where you intend to place them. In knowing their kinds or classifications, you will also know the right kind of food and other factors like water filters to use for your Koi.

Koi fish are being classified with several attributes like colors, scales, body patterns, mettalics, etc. Among the mos common colors of Koi fish are black, red, white and yellow.

The following are among the major Koi fish varieties:

  • Kohaku – this is a Koi with white skin and red pattern
  • Shusui – this the version of an Asagi that is partially-scaled
  • Asagi – this is a variety of Koi that has red scales on the bottom part of the body and light blue scales on the top part
  • Ogon – this Koi has one solid color which can be red, platinum, cream or yellow; it could be in metallic or regular color
  • Doitsu-goi – this is the German Carp
  • Koromo – this fish has blue-edged scales, that is neatly aligned, on some parts of its body
  • Bekko – came in either white, yellow or red skin and usually has black pattern
  • Hikari-Moyomono – this Koi come in colored patterns on a metallic base; and it also come in two metallic colors
  • Taisho Sanshoku (Sanke) – this Koi has a red and black pattern and comes in white body color
  • Goshiki - this Koi is usually black in color and has white, red, blue and brown and accents
  • KinGinRin – this is a Koi fish type that has shiny scales
  • Showa Sanshoku (Showa) – this Koi has black skin accented with patterns of red and white
  • Utsurimono – this is the black Koi featuring patterns in red, yellow or white
  • Kawarimono – considered as Koi fish’s miscellaneous type
  • Tancho – a Koi with white body color and a single red patch on its head

There are many varieties and sub-varieties of Koi fish and these are just among them. You may consult some Koi fish experts or read articles in magazines and online websites about Koi fish if you want to get more Koi fish information.

Taking Care of Your Koi Fish

Another important thing, and probably the most vital, that you should know about Koi fish is how to take care of them. You must know their needs to keep them healthy and alive; any neglect in these aspects will eventually lead to your Koi fish’s death. Seasonal care of your Koi fish is very important; Koi fish have different caring needs for every season. Like, in Springtime, you should give close attention to your Koi since water temperature seems to rise and fall at this moment.

Proper feeding of your Koi is also important in taking care of them. Be sure to give them the right kind of food and to give them the right amount. When feeding, you should consider factors like the size of the pond and filter as well as the type of filter you use. It is also important to note the amount of time you have for cleanig your air filters. The season and th number of Koi fish in a pond or aquarium

is also vital for proper feeding.

These are just among the things that you ought to know before taking your Koi fishes home. Be sure to ask advice from Koi fish experts or the pet shop owner for the vital facts that you must know to keep your Koi with you longer.

info koi

So many kinds of koi

Welcome to our website all about Koi and understanding how they live in ponds, their food and the many variations on one amazing fish.

One of the most popular interests of people all over the world is to have pets; dogs, cats, rabbits and even exotic animals like snakes and iguanas. But most households, especially those who have ponds at home, love to have fishes as their pets. And why not; fishes don’t only make lovely pet, they are also beneficial. Fishes can make your ponds look beautiful, colorful and interesting. Aside from these, they are also helpful as they eat mosquitoes and algae.

Now, among the most popular options when it comes to fish pets is the Koi fish. This type of fish is considered as the ornamental and domesticated variations of carp fish. Koi fish originally came from China but it is now widely available in Japan.

If you’re planning to have Koi fishes in your aquariums and ponds for the first time, the very first and most vital things that you should know are the different types of Koi fishes. Knowing what type of Koi fish you’re going to buy is essential so you’ll know what type of food to give them, how to properly take care of them, and even how much budget you should have.